Religious Education

“Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it.”


Family-Based Religious Education

Our approach to Religious Education at Mother Teresa follows the A Family of Faith model by the Sophia Institute. The program involves monthly adult classes led by Father Simpson, where parents learn about Catholicism. The parents can then pass on their knowledge and faith to their children at home.

Parents discussing Religious Education

We believe that by teaching families as a whole, we can strengthen the faith of both parents and children and build a stronger Catholic community. Our small groups also provide a supportive and welcoming environment where families can connect with one another and grow together in faith.

Registration is closed for Religious Education this year.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We invite all children K-8th grade to participate in our Religious Education Program.

  • A 90-minute parent session is held near the beginning of each month, helping parents deepen their own knowledge of the Catholic faith. Both parents are highly encouraged to attend.

    Two 30 to 45-minute at-home lessons are to be completed per month, with additional activities to help make the Catholic faith a part of your family’s daily life.

    A 90-minute small group meeting near the end of each month. This is an opportunity for your entire family to gather with your assigned small group to build community and ensure accountability.

  • The program runs from September through May. A calendar for the year will be provided at the first parent session. Your family will determine when to do the two monthly lessons at home, on your family’s schedule, and at your child’s level.

  • Specific preparation to receive these Sacraments is separate from A Family of Faith and additional information will be provided. However, families who have children that will receive one of these Sacraments this year must participate in A Family of Faith.

  • Parent guide and children activity books (1 book per child registered): These complimentary materials will be given to your family at the first parent meeting.

    Catechism of the Catholic Church: An online version can be found at

    Holy Bible: Catholic edition, Revised Standard Version

To learn more about Religious Education at Mother Teresa, please contact Jennifer Turner.

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