Become Catholic

At Mother Teresa, our RCIA program welcomes and guides individuals toward full communion with the Catholic Church.

Welcome to the Church

Welcome to the journey of faith through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at Mother Teresa. RCIA is an enriching process by which adults are introduced to the teachings of the Catholic faith.

As participants progress, they engage in various liturgical rites throughout the year. These rites serve as milestones marking their growing commitment and desire for the sacraments of initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.

RCIA candidates smiling after receiving Sacraments
Anthony Romeo, RCIA Director

Meet the RCIA Director

Anthony Romeo is the Director of our RCIA program. Having served as a seminarian for the Diocese of Nashville for many years, Anthony has a deep understanding of the Church’s teachings. His commitment to constant learning and curiosity strengthens his capability to guide individuals on their faith journey.

As the RCIA Director, Anthony will meet each person where they are and offer thorough explanations of how the program works to benefit their unique spiritual development.

RCIA class led by director, Anthony Romeo

The Process

RCIA Classes
These sessions provide a systematic approach to the Catholic faith. This dedicated period of catechetical instruction is designed to cultivate a deeper knowledge of the faith, stimulate spiritual growth, and nurture the seed of faith planted within each participant.

Apprenticeship & Accompaniment
Each R.C.I.A. participant will select a fully initiated adult Catholic as a sponsor, or we have volunteers to accompany any inquirer.

Rites of Passage
At different times throughout the year, liturgical rites mark participants’ progress and increasing commitment to the Catholic faith and manifest their desire for full participation in the life of the Church.

Next Steps

Whatever your history, we want to know about your unique faith journey, so we can best guide you toward full participation in the sacramental life of the Catholic Church. Set up an appointment with our RCIA Director, Anthony Romeo, by clicking the button below.